Catechesis is a sharing of the teachings of Christ in such a way that each young person come to know about and believes in God, enters a relationship with God and is transformed by Him.
Our Goal is to:
- Teach the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
- Teach the doctrines of the Catholic Faith.
- Draw young people to a relationship with Jesus Christ and discipleship through reception of the sacraments and scripture.
- Teach the benefits of liturgical, communal and personal prayer.
- Build up a community of believers.
The aim of our program is to plants seed on rich soil for building a strong relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ, and a foundation in faith that will last a lifetime. All children in our programs learn in a safe and supportive atmosphere. We offer several opportunities to meet the needs of our parish families.

6:15 PM – 7:30 PM
- 1st grade Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
- 2nd grade through 5th grade classes will use “Our Sunday Visitor, Alive in Christ” series as a framework to weekly lessons in addition to supplemental materials.
- 6th & 7th grade will begin Confirmation formation with “Chosen” (Ascension Press).
Sunday Family & Adaptive Faith
following 9:30 AM mass
- Classes are held bi-weekly in the Education Center.
- Parents must attend every session in its entirety while children are in classes.
- This is a Hybrid Home Based catechesis program. Parents assume the role of catechist during the off week and help their child with assigned lessons.
- Children in 2nd – 5th classes will use “Our Sunday Visitor, Alive in Christ” series as a framework to weekly lessons in addition to supplemental materials.
- 6th & 7th grade will begin Confirmation formation with “Chosen” (Ascension Press).
- Parents attend adult sessions while children are in PREP classes. These sessions cover the same topic that the children are learning at an appropriate adult level.
- Parents are the primary catechist and follow the PREP curriculum.
- Homebased catechists participate in three online meetings with the CRE.
- Parents and children must attend all meetings, retreats and practices for sacraments their child(ren) will receive that year.

Families previously registered and wish to register for the 2024-2025 School year will receive an automated link from Parish Giving.
New Families wishing to enroll may visit Parish Giving by Clicking here. Registration Forms can also be picked up in the Narthex or Parish Office Mon.- Fri. 9 AM – 4 PM .

Robin McLaughlin, Coordinator of Religious Education
215 – 721 -0199 ext. 212

Jo Ann Prahler, Admin. Assistant PREP
215 – 721 – 0199 ext. 213

Resource Guides now available in English and Spanish on the
Office for Child and Youth Protection’s (OCYP) website at www.childyouthprotection.org Trauma Informed
Personal Safety, Working with Students Who Have Experienced Trauma, and Prevention Tips for Parents