The Youth Ministry program at St. Maria Goretti seeks to encourage young people in their relationship with Christ and to find a home in the Catholic church, through faith experiences, community building & discipleship formation. We entrust all things to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary & ask for the intercession of our patron, St. Maria Goretti as we serve the youth of our parish.

The Flock, Elementary School
Children in Kindergarten through 5th are invited to join in faith & virtue lessons paired with dinner and followed by games & fun! The Flock will meet every Tuesday 6:45 PM – 8:00 PM in Drexel Hall. Children who plan to attend The Flock are encouraged to register and participate in Childrens choir at 6:00 PM too! We look forward to seeing you!

Upper Room, Middle School
Youth in grades 6th through 8th are invited to join us for dinner, activities and games, mixed with conversation and teachings surrounding faith & virtue. The Upper Room meets Monday evenings, (following PREP) from 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM in the Education Center.

Imago Dei, High School
Youth in grades 9th through 12th are invited to join us Tuesday evenings beginning with dinner! Our evenings are a mix of activities, conversation & prayer. Imago Dei will meet Tuesdays 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM in the upper level of the Parish Center.
Youth Ministry membership registration must be completed prior to any youth ministry event. You may register your child online by clicking the links above, downloading and printing a form here, or pick up a registration form in the Parish Center. We look forward to growing in faith, community & discipleship together. For more information about our programs or how to volunteer please contact:

Upcoming Events
Sara Ertel
Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry
215.721.0199 ext. 209