now open: Disciple maker index survey

Please complete the 10-minute Disciple Maker Index survey in collaboration with the Catholic Leadership Institute to help St. Maria Goretti understand how to better support your faith journey.

Survey closes April 10th.

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The Fireside

The Fireside is a community of young adults who meet every Thursday at 7:30 PM in the parish center or courtyard (weather permitting) to support each other in their spiritual life. Our time together revolves around discussing the readings for the coming Sunday, followed by a time of socializing and discussing concerns of how to live a life fully alive in the faith. We also host lectures given by our members and guest speakers. Come as individuals, with a friend, or gather a small group and attend together.

Evenings conclude with time of fellowship to build relationship with one another based on our common bond of friendship with Jesus Christ. In addition, our community will also host large events throughout the calendar year.

Email   or call (215) 721-0199 ext. 209 for more information. Click here to join our GroupMe for updates and be sure to follow us on Facebook.


Metanoia is an active community of Catholic young adults in the Montgomery County area.  The group meets every Tuesday at 7:30 PM.  Young adults are welcome and encouraged to participate in any of the ongoing adult faith formation programs.

for more information.

Join us on Facebook!