Dear Parishioners,
I want to share with you an exciting opportunity that our Parish is currently pursuing to maximize the impact of your generous Parish donations. Every year St. Maria Goretti Parish gladly bears the significant expense of subsidizing and sponsoring numerous assistance programs and ministries that benefit our church families, children, youth, young adults, adults and seniors. To assist with funding, SMG will be partnering with the Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia to establish the SMG Assistance Fund, which will be used to support the vital programs and ministries of the Parish.
This letter is being shared to provide you with some background information regarding the Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia and how the SMG Assistance Fund operates. The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia (CFGP) is an independent, nonprofit community foundation committed to growing philanthropy according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Grounded in the principles of faith and service, CFGP meets the diverse needs of donors and Catholic institutions through charitable fund management and development consulting. Please visit: to access the CFGP website.
Keep a look out in your monthly envelopes for the new blue SMG Assistance Fund envelope. If you don’t receive the monthly envelopes, then blank SMG Assistance Fund envelopes will be available in the Church Narthex.
Please join with us in supporting our Parish families and community thru our assistance programs and ministries by giving to the SMG Assistance Fund. Supporting the SMG Assistance Fund is a way that you can directly and cost effectively enable the Parish to sustain and expand the programs and ministries that benefit our church families, children, youth, young adults, adults and seniors.
To give you more information, we have included a list of Frequently Asked Questions, but please know you can contact our Parish Office (215) 721-0199 if you have any additional questions. This is an exciting new adventure for our Parish community, and I ask for your continued prayers and support.
St. Maria Goretti, pray for us.
Reverend John C. Nguyen (Father Chung)
Have more questions? SMG Assistance Fund FAQ Sheet (PDF)