now open: Disciple maker index survey

Please complete the 10-minute Disciple Maker Index survey in collaboration with the Catholic Leadership Institute to help St. Maria Goretti understand how to better support your faith journey.

Survey closes April 10th.

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Safe Environment Requirements & Forms for Volunteers
Volunteers who may have any possible contact with children must also obtain background checks. All background checks and clearances must be obtained prior to beginning work/service. Minors under the age of 18 who are volunteering are NOT required to obtain background checks.

Background Check and Clearance Requirements as follows:

All three clearances and/or forms must be renewed every 5 years (60 months).

1. Federal Fingerprint Background Check (FBI)

     *If not Pennsylvania resident for 10 continuous years
. Fingerprints are not required if you have been a resident of PA for 10 years or more. You must fill out the disclosure statement from this link:

The following are service codes needed to register for all current and/or prospective parish/school volunteers:

      1KG6Y3 is the code for (PDE) Pennsylvania Department of Education/School Volunteers

      1KG6ZJ for Parish Volunteers


     Disclosure Statement Application for Volunteers

     *If Pennsylvania resident for 10 continuous years

2. Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check

3. Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance

Provisional Volunteers:

     *No provisional status for Pennsylvania residents

     *Volunteers who reside in another state or country may serve on a provisional basis for no more than 30 days while the Pennsylvania State Police, the Department of Public Welfare, and/or the FBI are processing the background checks, so long as they provide clearances from their state or country of residence.

Training Requirements are as follows:

All church personnel and volunteers who have regular contact with children must complete the following training:

1. Safe Environment Part I: Protecting God’s Children

     *To register or post-register please go to

2. Safe Environment Part II: Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse

     *Must be completed on-line through the OCYP website at under “Training Institute”.
These training are only for adults.

For more information please visit or call 215-587-2466.



If you are unsure of your Criminal Record Check or Child Abuse Clearance status, or if you have completed the requirements above, please contact Cheryl Ryan in the Parish Office at 215 -721-0199.

Training Institute where online trainings are available free of charge, 24-hours a day:

These trainings include:
Safe Environment Part II Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse: Required training for staff
and volunteers who have regular contact with children.
Parents as Partners in Prevention: Information about child sexual abuse and practical tips on how
to discuss personal safety with children.