Servers assist the priest at Mass and other liturgical gatherings. This ministry is open to parochial, public and home school students who are in grades 5th through 12th.
Click HERE to Submit interest Form

There are many opportunities to get involved in music ministry. If you are interested in serving the parish through music ministry click here for more information or contact Eileen Ericsson.
Eileen Ericsson 215- 721- 0199 ext.210

Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 9:30am Mass every Sunday from October to May, with the exception of Christmas and Easter Sunday. Children’s liturgy is intended for children in Kindergarten through Grade 4. After the readings, the catechist offers a simple homily to the children. If you are a teen looking to serve in this ministry, we would love to have you!
Contact: Parish Office (215) 721-0199