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Liturgical Ministries

Altar Server

Servers assist the priest at Mass and other liturgical gatherings. This ministry is open to parochial, public and home school students who are in grades 6 through 12.

Contact: Deacon Vondercrone 215-721-0199

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Eucharistic ministers assist with the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass, and through home visits to the sick. The work is open to all parishioners, college age or older, who are active in their sacramental lives. A diocesan workshop is required for preparation and training.

Contact: Patricia Conroy 215-721-0199

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 9:30am Mass every Sunday from October to May, with the exception of Christmas and Easter Sunday. Children’s liturgy is intended for children in Kindergarten through Grade 4. Children and their catechists are called forth during the Mass prior to the Liturgy of the Word. They reverently enter the side chapel to hear God’s Word proclaimed in the sacred scriptures in age-appropriate Readings. After the readings, the catechist offers a simple homily to the children.

Contact: Parish Office (215) 721-0199


The lectors proclaim the scriptures at Mass and are called upon to serve approximately once every six weeks at a Saturday evening/Sunday liturgy. Lectors exchange assignments if unable to be present for an assigned Mass. Lectors for Holy days and special occasions are by volunteer sign up. Lectors should be able to read well and be at ease at public speaking. Open to high school youth and adults.

Contact: Deacon Vondercrone 215-721-0199

Liturgical Committee

Members of the Liturgical Committee are dedicated to learning about the theology and practice of the liturgy so they can oversee and help promote the highest quality of worship. The committee meets quarterly to review up-coming liturgical celebrations and to prepare those materials needed for optimal participation by the people.

Contact: Fr. Chung 215-721-0199 Ext. 204

Minister of Hospitality

Men and women of the parish, high school age and older provide welcome and hospitality to the community by greeting people at the door before Mass, assisting in seating, directing the Presentation of the Gifts, receiving the offering, and assisting with the communion procession. They are assigned to the Mass of their choice and they take turns to provide hospitality at all the Masses.

Contact: Parish Office (215) 721-0199



The Bereavement Ministry will offer practical help, comfort, and support to those experiencing a loss and to those bereaved members of our community. Once a year, in November, the Bereavement Ministry sponsors a Mass of Remembrance to honor all those parishioners whose Funeral Masses were celebrated in our church during the past year.

Contact: Pat Conroy 215-721-0199 or

Giving Tree

Each year during Advent our Giving Tree Program begins. This ministry makes it possible for those less fortunate and shut-ins to celebrate the Christmas season. Over 2,000 angels are hung in the narthex of the church and families are asked to purchase the item written on the angel. During the 3rd week of Advent a group of parishioners help to sort the gifts and deliver them to the less fortunate. All names are kept confidential. If you would like to be part of this special ministry or know someone who would benefit from their good works, please contact Maripat & Pat Shelly.

Contact: Diana Kudes at

Parish Social Committee

This committee sponsors two social events per year which include the Annual Parish Appreciation Picnic and a Pancake Breakfast/Easter Egg Hunt. The socials are a “fun-raiser” for the parish and help to build fellowship and community among us. We have approximately 2 or 3 meetings prior to each event and have as much fun planning the social as the social itself. It is a great way to get to know your fellow parishioners

Contact: Cheryl Ryan 215-721-0199 ext. 219 or

Poor Box Initiative

The Poor Box Initiative ministry is an outreach program at Saint Maria Goretti parish. The funds collected from the poor boxes, located in the church narthex each weekend, are donated to designated community food cupboards and organizations that serve people with various needs. Suggestions for any local non-profit organization that might benefit from this ministry are welcome.

Contact: Monica D’Elia 215-272-2774 or

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer shawls are knitted or crocheted, blessed by a priest or deacon and delivered to parishioners who are chronically ill, recovering from surgery or homebound.

Contact: Barbara Krummert 267-424-4821 or

Respect Life Ministry

The Saint Maria Goretti Respect Life Ministry, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, seeks to uphold the dignity of every human life from conception ,to natural death. Through prayer, service, and advocacy, we strive to be a visible witness to Life.
Our ministry promotes a prayerful and visible stand against abortion in front of abortion centers and annual March for Life events. We aid pregnancy care centers who passionately support woman in need during their pregnancy. New members are always welcome.

Bob McCormick: 215-362-1247 or
Jessica Akiya 215-350-7476 or

Sisters in Spirit

Sisters in Spirit is a women’s group that is open to all women of the parish 18 years and older. Our mission is to encourage women in faith. We do this by monthly faith-sharing meetings and spiritual, service and social outings. Meetings are typically held the 3rd Thursday of each month in the Parish Center from 7 to 8:30 pm. Outings are typically held each month.

Contact: Holly Miller 267-718-4615 or

St. John’s Hospice

Saint John’s Hospice provides hot meals, shelter, mail services, support, and counseling for homeless men in Philadelphia. Saint Maria Goretti Parish provides casseroles for the hot meal in the trays they provide, as well as coffee, tea, sugar, and toiletries (sample sizes are best; no mouthwash, please). Their truck picks up our donations on the second Tuesday of each month but donations can be dropped off any time in the Ministries room in the church. There are no meetings; your participation is welcome at any time. Shop when you shop, cook when you cook, and drop off your donation when you come to church.

Contact: Therese Peck 215-855-2852 or

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Founded in Paris in 1833, the Society of St. Vincent DePaul joined the already established Vincentian Communities of Priests and Nuns in service to the poor. Inspired by Gospel values, The Society, a Catholic lay organization leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to–person service to those who are needy and suffering. We are one of the largest Catholic organization in the world with 750,000 members in 149 countries.

The Society has two aims: to do a great deal of spiritual good for its members through the exercise of charity, and to do a little spiritual and temporal good for a few poor families in the name of Jesus Christ.

Our conference has been present at Saint Maria Goretti Parish since 2006. Members of the Society visit the homes of anyone in the community who request our help. We go as neighbors to listen, offering prayer, hope and support.

Sometimes we provide advice, sometimes we help them utilize community or parish resources; sometimes we provide rides, sometimes pay bills, but we always offer hope and prayer.

We also conduct monthly food drives in the Parish which benefits local food banks and shelters. Twice a year we arrange for a truck to visit the parish for donations of clothing and/or housewares. There are different levels of membership in the Society. Meetings are held on Mondays beginning at 7:00PM in the I.H.M. Room in the lower level of the Parish Center.

Contact: Mary Chantry 610-745-1429 or

Members only Section

Prayer Groups

Monday Eucharistic Adoration – Guardians

Each Monday in the chapel, after the 8:30 a.m. morning mass until 5p.m., we have the opportunity to adore Our Lord’s body, blood, soul and divinity in the presence of the Eucharist. While adoring Our Lord we must also ensure that the Holy Eucharist is never left unattended.

A Guardian helps to ensure that the Holy Eucharist is never left alone by committing to spend thirty minutes or more each Monday with the Holy Eucharist. You share this holy commitment with a partner so that if something unforeseen occurs in your schedule you can feel confident that Jesus will not be left alone. Substitute Guardian positions are also available.

Contact: Nancy Boak or 215-393-3763

Monthly Holy Hour

A great opportunity for stewardship! Holy Hour gives the parish an opportunity to pray for the needs of the church especially vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The Holy Hour will include public prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) and private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Everyone is welcome. Holy Hour is held the Thursday evening before First Friday at 7pm.

Prayer Line

St. Maria Goretti Parish has established a prayer line for the sick, the terminally ill and families in crisis. Currently there are about 35 parishioners who offer their prayers for these intentions. Anyone who calls the Prayer Line will have their loved one mentioned by name for two weeks. After that they will be prayed for in an inclusive prayer. The members of this group will also pray for the soul of a loved one by name for two weeks.
You will be notified of intentions and pray on Monday and Thursday evenings when it is convenient for you.

Contact: Rita Pietrangelo 215-721-4996 or Parish Center 215-721-0199

Charismatic Prayer Group

Experience the Holy Spirit who opens us to a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and the love of the Father.

The Holy Spirit empowers us for personal holiness, renewed Catholic life, and evangelization
Meets Thursday Nights 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm eastern standard time via Zoom! For resources, more information or to register go to:

Contact: Maria Richardson 215-721-6559

Parish Services

Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH)

The oldest and largest Irish Catholic fraternal organization in the US is dedicated to friendship, unity and Christian charity.

Contact: Tom Coughlin , 215-450-9662

Collection Counters

Teams of parishioners who rotate through a seven-week schedule count and prepare collection for deposit into the bank. The commitment of time is about five hours, from mid-morning to early afternoon on Sundays. Volunteers sign up to fill holy day needs. A kitchen is available for coffee and breakfast food.

Contact: Tom Onuska, 215-721-0199 ext.206

Grounds Committee

A team of parishioners with interest in gardening oversees the proper design and maintenance of the landscaping on the parish grounds. Their goal is to achieve a pleasing atmosphere that welcomes and delights people as they come to worship and work together.

Contact: Lynn Hipp 215-872-4685

Jordan Outfitters (Baptismal Robes for Infants)

The Jordan Outfitters cut and sew the baptismal robes for our newly baptized babies. We are a group of about 15 women in the parish. Several members meet at the parish center once a year during the winter months to cut the pattern. The packages of materials are then distributed to the women who will sew the finished robe.

Carol Thomas 215-429-6776 or

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is the largest fraternal group in the world. Their goal is charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Any practicing Catholic male who is eighteen years or older is welcome to join.
Pius IX Council 4396 Website

Contact: Mike Lembo – 610-839-6821

Linen Washers

This sacred service ensures that the linens used at Mass are pure and ready to be used at the next weekend’s Mass. There are specific tasks which must be performed with care so as to properly preserve the Body and Blood of Christ. Currently there are twelve linen washers. Taking part in this service is a perfect opportunity for those parishioners with busy schedules.

Contact: Joanne Dumke 267-476-1960

Needle and Thread Group

This group is comprised of parishioners who do small sewing projects to help beautify the altar. If sewing is your talent, this ministry might be for you!

Contact: Marie Schoen 215-855-1805

Temple Cleansers

This team of parishioners rotates through a five-week schedule to do the light housekeeping in the church. These tasks include dusting, vacuuming, wiping of furnishings, and renewing the Holy Water fonts as well as the Holy Water reservoir. Each group sets its own time for gathering to clean.

Contact: Cheryl Ryan 215-721-0199 Ext. 219

Volunteer Receptionist

A group of volunteers to welcome people and answer phones at the Parish Center. Volunteers are scheduled Monday thru Friday from 9am to 12:30pm or 12:30pm to 4:30pm. We are grateful for whatever time you can give, even one shift per month. It is a great way to get to know our parish priest and also fellow parishioners.

Contacts: Elizabeth Cyron or Cheryl Ryan 215-721-0199

Elder Care Services

St. Maria Goretti Parish is pleased to present a new service for our older adult parishioners free of charge. The Eldercare Assistance Program began in November and has already seen a positive effect on our community!

The St. Maria Goretti Eldercare Assistance Program (SMGEAP) can help in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Information & Referral – connecting parishioners to services they need or will enhance their lives, including private home care agencies, adult day care program, where to receive farmers’ market vouchers, elder law attorneys
  • Case Management – Geriatric Care Manager visits the older adult’s home to complete a comprehensive assessment and develops a plan of care to address multiple issues including ensuring safety in remaining in their home, managing a transition from hospital stay to short-term rehab center to home, caregiver stress and burnout, and encouraging legal documentation to be current and suitable. Also, assisting parishioners in applying for programs such as Veterans’ pension, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly called food stamps),LIHEAP (energy assistance), Medicare health plans, property tax/rent rebate.

Plans for later this year include events and seminars to learn about resources in our community and tips for achieving and maintaining optimal health for older adults.

Amy Juarez is our Geriatric Care Manager. She can be reached at ajuarez@CHS-ADPHILA.ORG or at 215-853-7676 or (215) 721-0199 ext. 225

Social Services

Club 50+

Club 50+ is a social group providing fun community activities for parishioners over age 50!  Please join in Game Day the first Wednesday of every month in our Parish Library and find out about other trips and opportunities!

Contact: Parish Office (215) 721-0199

Donut Social

2024 Sunday-Social-Procedures-Narthex        2024 Sunday-Social-Procedures-Narthex

Contact:  Linda Doran 215-932-5395

Parish Social Committee

This committee sponsors two social events per year which include the Annual Parish Appreciation Picnic and a Pancake Breakfast/Easter Egg Hunt.  The socials are a “fun-raiser” for the parish and help to build fellowship and community among us. We have approximately 2 or 3 meetings prior to each event and have as much fun planning the social as the social itself. It is a great way to get to know your fellow parishioners.

Contact:  Cheryl Ryan 215-721-0199 ext. 219 or

Spiritual Motherhood

Pray for My Priest – Spiritual Motherhood

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has become part of the ministry of Spiritual Motherhood begun by the Pray for My Priest Apostolate. Below please find links with details about how you can spiritually adopt a priest.

News Release Archdiocese of Philadelphia May 31,2013

Spiritual Motherhood Overview 4.16

Commitment Form – Spiritual Motherhood

Mother’s Prayers for Her Priest Son

Flyer Spiritual Motherhood

Business Cards Spiritual Motherhood

For more information please contact Maria Richardson, Committee Chair or 215-721-0199 Ext 217

Promote your ministry to the parish

Complete the Google form here or below to submit requests for the promotion of your ministry and/or ministry event, activity or fundraiser to parishioners at St. Maria Goretti using various communication channels (including Facebook, email, website sliders, Narthex TV slides, bulletin and pulpit announcements).

Contact Alyson Maguire at for questions or more information.