now open: Disciple maker index survey

Please complete the 10-minute Disciple Maker Index survey in collaboration with the Catholic Leadership Institute to help St. Maria Goretti understand how to better support your faith journey.

Survey closes April 10th.

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Saint Maria Goretti Parish Rental Policy

To inquire about renting Drexel Hall, please contact the Saint Maria Goretti Parish Administrative Assistant, Elizabeth Cyron via email at Rentals are accepted no more than 3 months in advance. Rentals inquiries will open on the 1st of the month (eg. all December rentals will open for booking on September 1).

The following Rental Policy contains important information regarding the use of Drexel Hall located in the education center building.  It is imperative that you read and review the items listed. Please note that the Rental will be considered NULL and VOID if the “Short Term Facility Use Agreement” for Drexel Hall rental is not signed and returned to the Parish Office—along with proof of liability insurance and $200 security deposit—within two weeks of the application date, unless otherwise agreed to by the Rental Committee.  The application date is the date your application is accepted via email by Elizabeth Cyron. If you have any questions regarding the policy and its guidelines please contact Elizabeth Cyron.

  1. Application – To apply for a rental at SMG Drexel Hall, please email Elizabeth Cyron (see above). All rentals for any parishioner, non parishioner or Church organization requires a “Short Term Facility Use Agreement” obtained by applying. Rentals will be held on courtesy for two weeks from the accepted application date, or until a signed “Short Term Facility Use Agreement” is submitted in person with proof of liability insurance, and the appropriate fees (including the necessary security deposit).  All rentals are subject to the approval of the Rental Committee.
  2. Time – Each rental event shall be for a period of four (4) hours. The rental also includes one hour prior to event to set up and one hour after to cleanup. The earliest time for an event to start is 6pm. The rental fee is $550.00.  There is an additional $100.00 cost for use of the Bingo equipment. A $200 security deposit is required at the time of booking.
  3. Capacity – The maximum capacity of SMG Drexel Hall shall be no more than 200 people seated for meetings or conferences.
  4. Set-Up – the event set-up may begin 1 hour prior to the event. If there is no preceding event, set up may begin earlier at the Rental committee discretion.
  5. Decorations – Decorations shall be limited to tables only. No wall or ceiling decorations shall be allowed.
  6. Smoking Policy – This facility is a NO SMOKING facility, including the building, parking lot, and property, and will be enforced.
  7. Damages – any damages that occur to the facility that are a direct result of your rental party will be deducted from the security deposit. If the damages amount to more than the security deposit, the applicant will be responsible for all costs to repair the damage to SMG Drexel Hall to its original condition.
  8. SMG Drexel Hall Clean-up – The renting party is responsible for cleaning the rental area, putting away any tables/chairs used during the event, and making sure all rubbish is deposited into the proper trash dumpster.
  9. Kitchen Clean-up – The renting party is responsible for the cleanup of kitchen area. Counter tops should be washed, microwaves and other appliances should be cleaned, bathrooms cleaned. Floors should be swept; trash should be placed in the proper outside dumpster, coffee urns should be washed, clean sinks and surrounding area.  Do not leave excess food, condiments or leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer without approval of the Rental Committee.  PLEASE CHECK OFF RENTAL HALL CHECK LIST.
  10. Cooking – only the preparation of cold foods and warm up of precooked hot foods will be allowed.
  11. Kitchen Usage – in kitchen area the rental party/caterer may use the following: coffee pots, coffee urns, refrigerator, freezer and microwave (for warm up only).
  12. Alcoholic Beverage Policy – Saint Maria Goretti Parish does not promote, nor supply the apparatus for consumption of alcoholic beverages. As such, rentals are limited to BYOB only—renters cannot provide alcohol for guests either through direct, or indirect sale (e.g. alcohol cannot be offered as part of an admission ticket). BYOB beverages are restricted to beer and wine only. There is no liquor allowed on the premises. All consumption of alcohol must be done in a responsible manner and adhere to the alcohol consumption laws of Pennsylvania.

If you need more information or would like to rent
Drexel Hall please contact Elizabeth Cyron at