COURSES & REgistration

The full Atrium year goes from September through May, with approximately 30 class sessions. Children attend one ninety minute class per week. To view course descriptions/offerings please see below. We are located at:
St. Maria Goretti Parish, Education Center
1601 Derstine Rd.
Hatfield, PA 19440
Registration has begun. We look forward to new and returning families! The completed registration form must be received by June 1 to hold your spots.

Level I
Join in the wonder of the 3- 6 year old.
We explore God’s love for us as Jesus being the Good Shepherd, calling us to Him. Children enter the mystery of the Eucharist through an introduction to the materials used on the altar and the gestures performed during the liturgy.

Level II
Celebrate the growth of the 6- 9 year old.
We help deepen the child’s relationship to God, family, friends and community through moral parables. Children connect the different parts of the Mass as one unified prayer made of smaller prayers. They prepare for their First Communion through a series of communion meditations focusing on their relationship with Jesus.

Level III
Honor the Independence of the 9 – 12 year old.
We explore the plan of God as worked out in the Bible and human history. The children study the Old Testament in great detail and continue to deepen their understanding of the liturgy. We focus on God’s boundless generosity to us and the responsibility that comes with receiving those gifts. We consider the question of, “What is the kingdom of God and my place in it? ” and to solidify a life commitment in relationship with God.
Class offerings for 2024 – 2025
LEVEL I, ages 3 -6 years old
Sunday 9:30 am – 10:45 am
Wednesday 9:30 am – 11:00 am
LEVEL II, ages 6- 9 years old
Monday 6:15 pm – 7:45 pm
LEVEL III, ages 9 – 12 years old
Tuesday 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am – 11:00 am

For more information on registration fees and to register, please download, print and complete the registration form by clicking the button below.
Registration forms can be submitted at the St. Maria Goretti Parish Center, located at: 1601 Derstine Rd. Hatfield, PA 19440
or email completed forms to: Linda Hudak