Welcome to St. Maria Goretti Roman Catholic Church! Our parish exists to share our love of Christ through authentic Catholic teaching to help individuals know, love, and serve Jesus through the Eucharist and the Sacraments and to be empowered to live Christ-centered lives.
Centered on prayer and worship, especially of the Holy Eucharist, we seek holiness, peace, and great joy. We strive to spread God’s message through service by attending to the spiritual and physical needs of our parishioners as well as the surrounding and global community.
Please join us with your God given-gifts and share them with others. We have resources, programs, and ministries for all ages and look forward to walking with you on your lifelong journey of Faith.
God bless you,
Rev. John C. Nguyen, Pastor
“Father Chung”

Mass Schedule
Saturday – Vigil 4:30pm
Sunday – 7:30am | 9:30am | 11:30am
Vietnamese Mass – 2:30pm
Monday – Saturday – 8:30am
Summer months Monday through Friday at 8:30am
Christmas Eve
4:00pm Children’s Mass | 7:00pm | 9:00pm
Christmas Day
7:30am | 9:30am | 11:30am | 2:30pm Vietnamese Mass
Monday – Friday – 7am & 8:30am
Holy Day
7:00pm Vigil | 7:00am | 8:30am | 12 Noon | 7:00pm Vietnamese Mass
Saturday’s from 3:00 to 4:00pm or by calling the parish center for an appointment.